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What Does Your TPMS Do, And What Is It Trying To Tell You?

What Does Your TPMS Do, And What Is It Trying To Tell You?

Photo by Frank Albrecht On Unsplash What Does Your TPMS Do, And What Is It Trying To Tell You? Your vehicle is equipped with various systems designed to keep you safe on the road, and one of the most critical is the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). This often-overlooked feature ensures your tires are in the best possible condition for safe driving. In this blog, we'll explore what your TPMS does and what essential messages it might be trying to convey. Understanding the TPMS Simply put, the TPMS is a feature that monitors the air pressure in your vehicle's tires. This safety feature consists of sensors inside each tire, a central monitoring unit, and a warning light on your dashboard. What Is It Trying to Tell You? When your TPMS alerts you, it usually indicates an issue with your tires. Here are some common messages it may convey: 1. Low Tire Pressure The most com ... read more



Brake System Components - What They Do And How To Maintain Them

Brake System Components - What They Do And How To Maintain Them

Mastering the basics of your vehicle's brake system is essential to ensure a comfortable and secure journey. With today's guide, you'll have the knowledge and confidence to make informed choices about your vehicle's braking performance, safety, and reliability, so don't miss out! Importance of Brake ComponentsThe Role of Brake Pads Brake pads are vital components that play a pivotal role in preventing accidents. When you press the brake pedal, brake pads create the necessary friction to bring your vehicle to a secure stop. It's not just about halting your car; it's about the crucial milliseconds that can make a significant difference on the road. Brake pads, in essence, are the frontline defenders, ensuring your safety and the safety of others on the road. The Crucial Brake Calipers Now, let's talk about teamwork. Brake calipers are like the trusty sidekicks to brake pads. Working hand-in-hand, the ... read more

Being Mindful: Is My Car Ready For The Holidays?

Being Mindful: Is My Car Ready For The Holidays?

Photo By Michael Marcagi On Unsplash Being Mindful: Is My Car Ready For The Holidays? Ah, the holidays! A season of joy, family gatherings, and long drives to those gatherings. For many of us, our cars become an integral part of the holiday magic. Yet, while we’re so focused on ensuring we’ve got all the gifts wrapped and the turkey prepped, it's essential to stop for a moment and consider, "Is my car ready for the holidays?" At Elite Imports in Centennial, CO, we believe in the power of preventative maintenance to guarantee not just a merry holiday season but also a safe one. Why is Preventative Maintenance Vital? When you think of your vehicle, consider it as another member of the family. You wouldn't send a family member out into the cold without proper preparation, would you? Similarly, your car requires some tender loving care before it embarks on ... read more



Why Am I Hearing Weird Noises When I Go Over A Bump?

Why Am I Hearing Weird Noises When I Go Over A Bump?

You are driving like normal and suddenly, as you go over a bump in the road, you hear a strange, unsettling noise coming from your beloved vehicle. What could it be, you might ask? Well, the reasons can be a few but don't worry because we will go over them and explain each and every one! The Clunk and Clank of Suspensions Let's start with the most common suspect: your car's suspension system. When you hit a bump, your car's suspension system works diligently to absorb the shock. However, worn-out or damaged suspension components can lead to unsettling noises. A clunk or clank might indicate issues with your shocks, struts, or control arms. It's crucial to have these components inspected and, if necessary, replaced to ensure a smoother and quieter ride. Loose or Worn Bushings Underneath your vehicle, there are numerous rubber and polyurethane component ... read more

Top Defensive Driving Tips

Top Defensive Driving Tips

  Photo by Why Kei on Unsplash  Top Defensive Driving Tips Defensive driving is more than just a skill; it is a vital mindset that ensures you and your loved ones are safe on the road. As a car owner, you possess the power to mitigate risks and prevent accidents by adopting these crucial defensive driving practices.   Let’s examine top defensive driving tips that can help you drive and stay safe regardless of where you drive, shall we? Stay Alert and Focused & Maintain a Safe Following Distance Distractions are one of the top causes of accidents. Whether it's a text message, a tempting snack, or a captivating view, taking your eyes off the road even for a split second can lead to disastrous consequences. Stay focused on the road ahead, anticipate potential hazards, and keep your hands on the wheel.   Tailgating raises stress levels and increases the ... read more

