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Yearly Archives: 2021

What is Brake Fade?

What is Brake Fade?

Brake fade is a term that describes the temporary reduction or complete loss of your vehicle's braking power. Brake fade happens when the brake pad and the rotor no longer create enough friction to stop your car; the result being inconsistent or unexpected braking behavior. Of course, this is inconsistent behavior can be very dangerous since it most often results in increased and unusual stopping distances. Brake pads can be made of different materials as well as have different running temperatures. Brake system manufactures always surface scorch their brake pad linings under a simulated operating pressure. Manufactures also heat the friction materials to a particular temperature, specific to the model of the vehicle. There are two types of materials used in the manufacture of friction pads. One type is sintered metallics and the other is known as organics. Sintered metallics contain synthetic materials. Organics brake pads contain phenolic resins which help to bind the other com ... read more